Sunday, August 03, 2008
How does prayer work?
Don't we sometimes wonder, what prayer really does, if it works, and - if so - how? When our prayers are answered quickly, we don't take the time to think much about it. At times we might thankfully receive our answer, help or solution and praise God for it.
But, if you are like me, many of your prayers won't be answered right away. And I am not saying that there is a way we can understand prayer fully or define it clearly.
Most of all, it matters that our prayers are pointed to the right person, rather than the words we are using, or whether we are standing, sitting or kneeling. Jesus is a person, and He is the one our prayers are to be addressed to. Prayer is not a method or a religious ritual, it means "talking to God", basically. But prayer is more than mere conversation! It activates God to move on our behalf. If our lives belong to God and our hearts are genuine, He will do everything to work out the best for us. Prayer allows God to get involved in our lives and take over, and to answer the prayer in His way - which is always the best anyway - and His time. And God's timing is perfect.
I have had times where I prayed for the same thing over and over again, without seeing a result. And I wondered: Does it make any difference at all, if I keep praying for this issue? Does God not listen?
Sometimes, when we are praying, it's like cutting a key into the right and perfect shape to open an specific door. It's a process that can take many steps and quite a long time, depending on how complex the lock is. Some doors need brand-new keys because they were never opened before!
As we keep praying without ceasing as the Bible says (1.Thessalonians 5:17), we don't always see the process with our human eyes because it's happening in the spirit! But our prayers do have an effect, and if what we are praying for is a) the will of God and b) good for us and / or others, we will one day hear God say:
"My child, the key is ready! It has got the right shape now! I am putting it in the door for you, and all you need to do is use the handle - and the door will swing wide open!"

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