Nobody is perfect when it comes to finances, and we can all improve the way we spend our money. Of course we should not be tight and hold on to our money as if it were the ultimate protection shield to save us from any kind of crisis. On the other hand, we need a lot of wisdom and calculative sensitiveness on how to spend every single quid - it all adds up.
One thing which I never felt comfortable with is the way how it is possible in our western culture to spend even the money we don't (yet) have - and we are not talking about the "smaller" stuff here! We're talking about TV's, computers, cars and even houses that are bought with money that is not yet in our hands. Sign the contract - feel powerful! And don't bother reading the small print, just the usual formalities! Buy now - pay later!
Isn't it strange that in such cases, we will always end up paying more than the actual value of what we purchased in the first place? I am not intending to boycott today's methods of purchase and sale, but it made me think further.
When we see stuff in this life - even non-material things - that we really want to have, the last thing we need is an invisible, but tempting tag that comes with it: Buy now, pay later...
I do feel like rolling my eyes when I hear yet another sermon on "resisting the pleasures of this life", presented in a religious, dusty language, but this is about the real stuff in life! I have come to learn that, as I am not the most patient person on planet earth, I have often been in such a hurry to want certain things without bothering to think about the price plus interest - but sooner or later, I was being confronted with the contract I signed when getting the thing I wanted here and now.
Buy now, pay later... When your "later" becomes your "today", it is often a bitter pill to chew on, when you wish you could just swallow and get it out of the way. We can't change the past, but we can from now on choose to ask God for the wisdom and patience to rely on His timing for the things we desire.
Maybe we should ask ourselves:
Why do I want this particular thing so much? Why do I feel like I can't wait? Do I have the expectation to live a happier and more satisfied life if I am getting this thing now, which means: Do I rely on having this thing now for my happiness, instead of finding joy, peace and satisfaction in God's love?