I saw a big city. Many high rise buildings that had been standing for a very long time suddenly collapsed and crumbled. In place of those disappearing structures I saw new buildings emerge instantly and very quickly. I felt there was going to be an exchange of structures and functions. This could relate to business, economy, political roles and much more. The year 2020 will bring upheaval and powerful, swift emergence of new things. Long established structures will crumble suddenly, not because of external destruction but because they have been in a state of decay for too long. In their place, new "towers", buildings, positions, organisations and people will rise up quickly and with great strength. This will cause a lot of disorientation to those who are used to the old structures and who are unprepared and undiscerning. It will, however, not be a big surprise to the people who walk very closely with God. They will have anticipated this according to Amos 3:7 "Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.".
People will generally struggle with disorientation as many landmarks they have used as reference points will be gone and other structures will be in place. The people of God, however, will have an opportunity like never before to reassure, give guidance and introduce God's divine compass. Many people will listen to them, however those with severe pride and hard hearts will dismiss them and continue to try and find their way in their own strength. This will trip them up, injure them and the consequences will be severe in some cases.
Dead religion will feel more cold and carry the air of dark, icy death more than ever. Superficial religion will cause people to feel sick as if having eaten too much candy floss which pleases the taste buds but does nothing to nourish the body. True worship and the places of gathering where true worship is lifted up will have a new warmth and light that is more recognisable and distinguishable than ever before. Those who are hungry and humble of heart will flock to these places and cause the light to glow brighter and warmer.
This is a year of intense separation, and those who have camped on the middle ground for a long time will find that it is no longer comfortable but utterly dangerous. The middle ground will split and darkness will starkly separate from light, causing a deep trench to be created. It will be dangerous for those who refuse to choose. Even for those who choose blatant darkness there is greater hope of deliverance as the people of God will seek to establish flexible bridges to enable a crossing from darkness to the light. Those who have been camping in the middle, refusing to move, will fall into the trench which will widen and deepen fast. I saw the trench floor covered in tar pitch which will hold people down very powerfully and cruelly. It will be very, very challenging to leave that place.
Wrong priorities and choices will be a lot more costly in the days to come. Right, God-breathed choices will bring great blessing and reward. Dependence on the Spirit of God for EVERYTHING is absolutely vital.
Joshua 24:14-15
“Now fear the Lord and serve him with all faithfulness. Throw away the gods
your ancestors worshiped beyond the
Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."
Revelation 22:12 "And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be."
Susie Molina