Friday, June 28, 2024

Word for UK Body of Christ: Exile, secret power infrastructures and the spiritual UK/US connection


Starting early January 2024 I sensed that God was speaking to me about the season we are currently in spiritually in our nation, as well as an urgent issue to target in intercession. He also spoke to me about an important spiritual connection with the USA. Please prayerfully weigh and test the following in partnership with Holy Spirit.


1. Exile

The Father gave me the word “exile” and I sense He is saying that we are entering a season of spiritual exile right now as the body of Christ in the UK. The eleventh hour has come and gone, and the wind of the first stroke of the clock towards midnight is in the air. The Lord has spoken through many different voices about the urgency of the hour over the past several years, and He has done so for a long time, and many times over. His call was for deep, wholehearted and “whole-actioned” (not just in word but deed) repentance, and whilst there have been trickling responses here and there, it has not be to the degree, depth and consistency which was necessary in the spiritual realm to trigger a radical turnaround for this nation (see 2 Kings 13:18-19). This is a sobering word to us as the body of Christ, and it is right to take time to ponder this in the quiet, and to allow the grief over our inaction, lack of passion and response to touch us deep within (2 Corinthians 7:10).

I felt the Lord say: “For years I have warned you, I have called out to you to wake up, to turn from your wicked ways, to renounce compromise and to stand strong with the sword of the Spirit in one hand, lifting high the truth of my Word with the other. But you have been complacent; you have been in disbelief about how serious I am, and how short the time to repent really is. For the sake of your own comfort, your own agendas, and because of your affections for the things of the world, and for refusing to forsake your past, including all offences and wounds, you have become dull, deaf and blind. Despite this you have made the assumption that a glorious exodus lies ahead of you, but I am telling you now that a season of spiritual exile is upon you instead. You have wrongly believed that you are rich, but instead I see that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked (Rev. 3:17). You have abandoned seeking me while refusing to surrender to my holy standards, and why should you now be surprised that another spirit has taken over, and someone operating under its control will soon sit on the throne to rule and make decrees over your land in full view of everyone? There is not much time left now.”

Although the full extend of the meaning of a spiritual exile will have to be seen, I believe this will manifest in a variety of ways over the coming years, far beyond the general moral decay in society, and the persecution and silencing of individual believers we have seen so far. What we have been hearing about in the news occasionally will become a reality and a very tangible, direct experience for most in the Body of Christ in this nation. Freedoms that we have long taken for granted and that have already been eroded here and there will be stripped in ways and in a magnitude we have not seen before nor could have imagined. We will experience the cost of loyalty and obedience to Jesus in our jobs, property and belongings, physical bodies and even in our relationships with other people. We will taste the bitter cup of the Lord’s favour having lifted from us, firstly as the Body of Christ, and secondly as a nation.

In this new season of exile, the Body of Christ will live as if having been forced to live away from its native country, having lost its long-standing authority to spiritually govern and determine the shaping and expression of laws, societal life and beyond. However, there will be those whom the Lord will use even in this trying season to have a remarkable impact and experience exceptional favour (which I will expand on in section 3 of this word). I feel to add that the Lord is wanting us to know that while this season of exile is by His decree (as all things are ultimately under Him), it is a direct consequence of our actions, inactions, choices and attitudes (Galatians 6:7).

There will also be an increasing division between “believers” in Jesus and “disciples” of Jesus. Even the demons believe in Jesus’ existence and acknowledge His identity as the Son of God (Mark 5:7). Only a disciple of Jesus will continually walk in obedience, sacrificial surrender and increasing love and devotion to their Lord. The Father is asking each one of us today: “Are you a believer, or are you a disciple of my Son? What price are you willing to pay to present evidence of the latter? Choose today whom you will serve (Joshua 24:14-15).”

2. Secret Power Infrastructures – Pray for Exposure

I also sensed God say: “For years, a vast network of diabolical secret power infrastructures has been built.” The sense I got when He was speaking these words was that these are not physical infrastructures, but rather nonmaterial and spiritual ones. “These are hidden infrastructures that facilitate exchange of information, goods and finances. A favour for money here, a favour for more power and influence there… (Prov. 17:23) It is a vast network and it includes the area of politics, the financial sector, the ideological/educational sector and the spiritual sector, draining and robbing away resources, the control over places of importance and positions of influence from the Body of Christ. These are channeled towards powerful individuals and institutions that facilitate the spread of hellish ideologies, and to those seeking to change the face of British culture and society in such a way that the ‘old way’ which once carried the fingerprints of my Word, laws and ways will no longer be recognizable.”

Even though a spiritual exile is now unavoidable, I sense very strongly from the Father that the call is still – and more than ever – to repent, and to choose purity. “You must urgently, I say URGENTLY repent my people, and you must pray for the exposure of these secret power infrastructures and those guarding the accesses, exits, the movements within and those who continue to facilitate and finance their expansion even now.

I sense that the extent to which we will experience this new season of spiritual exile will greatly be influenced by the level of repentance, intercession and surrendered adoration coming forth from us now. We may still influence and alter how things will manifest for the Body of Christ. We must find our voice now, we must find it before the throne of our Holy God, and we must find it before those we have connection and influence with. Whether we are doctors, teachers, factory workers, stay-at-home mums, cleaners, politicians, pastors, evangelists or artists – if we claim to belong to and follow the Lord, we must take a stand now: Before His throne, and before the world. We can only be secure in the Lord if we choose repentance and obedience now.

“So then, my beloved, just as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling…” Philippians 2:12-13

“Therefore, brothers and sisters, be all the more diligent to make certain about His calling and choice of you…” 2 Peter 1:10

When the other nations of the earth threatened and attacked Israel, they were NOT in danger UNTIL they turned away from the Lord. The enemies of God have no hold on His holy people who are surrendered to Him and His truth, but where sin and compromise has polluted, dangerous gates are opened, as has been the case within the Body of Christ in our land. “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin condemns any people.” Proverbs 14:34  

I also felt the Lord say: “Repent and be clear on what you stand for: My holy laws, values and ways. If you have forgotten what these are, seek my Word and seek my face, as I remove your blindfold! I will not stand for the cursing of my chosen people Israel! I will not stand for dishonest scales in trade. I will not stand for the slaughter of the unborn! I will not stand for the LGBTQ+ agenda, and I will not stand for the mixing of false religions and ideologies with my Way! I will not stand for sex trafficking within your land, I will not stand for organ harvesting and sales, I will not stand for immorality, greed, gossip and unforgiveness.”

“Ask me for forgiveness and mercy, and pray for the exposure of these secret power infrastructures within your land, and those working to operate and expand them. Brace yourself as you hear about who will be exposed as being involved. These will be people common sense would never have allowed you to believe could be involved in such evil. These will be people and organizations who even faithful followers of mine would have never dared to imagine could be key players. There have been very small exposures here and there, but it’s time to step these up now, and to pray that those playing a part will be brought to decisive, uncompromising justice for the cleansing of the land which is urgently needed.

“Son of man, you are living among rebellious people. They have eyes, but they can’t see. They have ears, but they can’t hear because they are rebellious people.” Ezekiel 12:2

“Your country is desolate; your cities are burned with fire: your land, strangers devour it in your presence, and it is desolate, as overthrown by strangers.” Isaiah 1:7

“Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. ‘You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:12 – 13

The Lord will be found by us if we seek Him, and just as with His people Israel long ago, there is still hope and encouragement for those who love Him and wish to truly follow Him, even when exile cannot be avoided.

I believe and sense there will be incredible moves of the Spirit of God in the days to come, supernatural displays of His glory and power, and that the Lord will be faithful to His promise to bring about a great harvest of souls, but it will be as the fires of testing, refining and persecution burn that this will take place. While the Lord has been waiting for us to pay close attention to what He is speaking, we have turned to our religious programs, entertainment and been satisfied with very little, spiritually speaking.

3. The Lord is looking for modern day Daniels

While pondering and preparing to write out and release the above word, I felt God speak to me about the significance of the call and role of Daniel in our upcoming season of exile. The Lord is calling forth those from among His people who will walk in unwavering faithfulness, exceptional wisdom and discernment, and who have learned to partner with the seven Spirits of God (Isaiah 11:2). Even under the most ruthless, oppressive and brutal leadership they will be given positions and privileges of great favour, which their faithfully developed skills (Proverbs 22:29) and the revelatory realm of God will open up to them. They are those who have already withstood great tests in their journey with the Lord, and who have set their hearts to follow Him without compromise, whether He will or will not rescue them out of any given situation.

These Daniels will have the determination to be unapologetically loyal to the Lord and yet show no hatred or even personal disdain for oppressive leadership whose ways God does not support yet who He has allowed to come into positions of power in the days to come (Daniel 3:16-18). They will also be marked by hearts of love and compassion, combined with holiness, humility and courage. Their experience of the coming exile will greatly differ to that of the wider Body of Christ. Their persecution as well as their favour and experience of the glory of God will be on steroids! “Even in darkness light dawns for the upright, for those who are gracious and compassionate and righteous.” Psalm 112:4

4. UK and USA – the older and the younger brother

When I heard a short while ago that snap elections would be held in the UK on the date that the USA celebrate their independence day, I felt further confirmation that God wants the following word to go out at this time.

A few months back I sensed that the Father is saying that the UK’s attitude towards the USA is like that of the older brother in the parable of the prodigal son (see Luke 15:11-32). There is deep seated offense, arrogance, pride and jealousy in the deepest core of the soul of the United Kingdom towards the USA, and it often manifests in very subtle ways. People will occasionally make jokes or sarcastic comments about US Americans, their culture, way of life, their music or movies, even their way of talking or their conduct. The Father is saying that this bitter root is very serious to Him, and it hurts His heart and grieves His Spirit.

The Lord has long ordained a significant partnership of the “older and younger brother”, and He is asking us as UK citizens and His sons and daughters to deeply, seriously and fully repent of any evil attitudes and judgments towards the USA as a nation, and to refuse to partner with even the slightest hints of thoughts, feelings or words that support this bitter root. There have been many positive and blessed spiritual partnerships over the decades (and even further back in history) between the two nations, but many more have been hindered through these deep seated attitudes of the heart.

It is time to ask the Father and, when opportunity arises, our brothers and sisters from and inside the USA, for forgiveness for racism and rejection, for pride and a sense of superiority over them. Many moves of God that have taken place in the land of the “younger brother” over the past several decades could have impacted the UK in a much deeper and more lasting way, had this deep root of resentment not been in place in the soul of our nation. It is time to speak blessing over the USA, to cheer them on and to declare that all the gifts and privileges the Father has given them are rightly theirs, to rejoice on their behalf, and to call forth again those things that have been forgotten and lost within their land. This is particularly important to the Father as we are in a very similar position to them spiritually in this season, and a healed spiritual partnership of these two brothers is absolutely vital in this hour for us and for them, especially as the 250th anniversary of the US-American Independence Day will be coming up in two years time.

A final word of encouragement

As I was driving to our local house of prayer here in the South East of England a few weeks ago, I stopped at a traffic light and saw before me a sky covered in very dark, heavy clouds, but in front of it a large number of white, almost radiant seagulls flying freely. This contrasting scene caught my attention and touched me deeply, and I had a sense that God was saying that those who are filled and led by His Spirit in these days will soar high in such freedom and with great joy and beauty, even in the midst of very dark and difficult times. I know He wants to encourage all of us to draw near to Him, trusting in His good and faithful care for us, and His unquenchable love that will carry us through every challenge that lies ahead as we seek to surrender to Him more fully.

“…so that you may become blameless and pure, ‘children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.’ Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky.” Philippians 2:15

“That is why I am suffering as I am. Yet this is no cause for shame, because I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until that day.” 2 Timothy 1:12

Susie Molina


Friday, May 17, 2024

What banner are you standing under?


First written out 05/05/2024, received in spiritual “seed form” 09/01/2024 by Susie Molina


“You have given us a banner to rally to; all who love truth will rally to it.” Psalm 60:4

NIV “But for those who fear you, you have raised a banner, to be unfurled against the bow.”

TPT “You have given miraculous signs to those who love you. As we follow you we fly the flag of truth, and all who love the truth will rally to it.”

AMP “You have set up a banner for those who fear you (with awe-inspired reverence and submissive wonder – a banner to shield them from attack). A banner that may be displayed because of the truth.”
My people have been scattered far and wide, and there is great division, confusion, and it has not been my doing. Only an army united will stand in strength when the enemy is pressing in from all sides. Where are you looking, and what has prompted you to be gathered to a banner other than the banner of Yeshua? You said, I will follow this one, the Lord is with him; I will follow that one, she carries the truth and the wisdom and the power. But you have been led away and led astray, and I call out to you: ‘Come back to me!’

My banner is the only banner of truth, the only rallying point that will keep you safe in the days ahead. It is a place of sobriety and surrender, and my banner is drenched in the blood I have shed to pay for the sins of the world. Has the sparkle and glitter of other banners enticed you, my beloved? In the days to come, the glitter will wear off, and the banners of other leaders will be torn apart by the wolves that are coming, along with the leaders and those who have rallied to them.

Oh come now while there is still time, come back to me, to the pierced One; come back to the One whose voice you were so familiar with once upon a time. Return to the fear of the Lord, to the purity of truth which is Yeshua, the truth manifested. Are you ashamed of my banner dripping with blood? It is the only defence and weapon that can protect and sustain you when the battle draws near, there is no other place of safety, and even your hesitancy is putting you in danger! Rally now, oh rally to join the army of the Living God. There is only one army – an army divided will not stand!

Hurry, come swiftly, with holy fear and trembling, with repentance and meekness of heart, come and adore me as in the days when you had just begun your journey with me. I assure you, there is no other, no one else who will keep you safe, there is no other banner that will enable you to stand. Do not be ashamed of my banner, it is the glory I have come to share with you, even though the world sees it as an object of scorn and offence. Come now, and receive your marching orders. It is time!


"To the one we are an aroma that brings death; to the other, an aroma that brings life. And who is equal to such a task?" 2 Corinthians 2:16

YHWH Nissi – The Lord is my banner

Hebrew ‘Nissi’: from “nes” – banner, distinguishing mark, sail, signal, standard, warning, sign (

à Personal note: Only when we are fully submitted to God’s leadership can we enjoy His protection.



Monday, June 28, 2021

Prophetic Word: Harvest Fields as Battle Fields

About a year ago, on 1st July 2020, God gave me a word and vision which I recently stumbled across again. Upon re-reading it I felt a strong nudge from Holy Spirit to pick it up and make space for more revelation and expansion before releasing it, sensing that it is highly important for the times we are living and moving in.

First I heard the Lord say: "Before the fields are ready for harvest, they must first serve as battle fields." I then saw the following vision: Before me was what looked like typical US-American farmland, maybe around the 1920's or 1930's. I stood at the edge of a farming field, and spotted a nearby simple, wooden farm house. The whole scene looked very idyllic and peaceful. I then saw the farmer who was busy working his field with a manual plough. He was highly focused and entirely dedicated to what he was doing.

Suddenly I saw several rows of soldiers approaching the scene, dressed, equipped and ready for war. Their captain directed them straight onto the field of the farmer who became most displeased - as a matter of fact, quite angry upon seeing them. He dropped his plough, walked straight up to the captain and said: "Hey... this is a harvest field - MY harvest field! What are you doing here?" The captain gently but firmly responded: "There is a battle coming, it is on your doorstep! We have been sent and assigned to fight the enemy and protect you and the land." The farmer then gazed all around, and as he couldn't see any enemy army approaching, he shook his head and responded with an even greater deal of frustration: "There is no battle! I'm working the land to prepare for the harvest. Go take your 'battle' somewhere else!" He was extremely annoyed that his work had been interrupted and didn't believe a word the captain had said.

However, before the captain could even respond, distant sounds were suddenly heard: Sounds of gunfire, shouting, and canon fire - and the sound grew louder very quickly. Very soon, the smell of smoke began to emerge. It was clear that the enemy forces the captain had mentioned were, in fact, real, and that their arrival was imminent. The farmer's eyes widened, first staring in the direction of the approaching sound and looming smell of war, and then back at the captain whose eyes were filled with great urgency and compassion. Vision ends.

I sense that the Lord is seeking to alert the body of Christ to the full reality of the times we are living in. Many have been prophesying a time of coming harvest, with many souls flooding into the kingdom. They have predicted many salvations, healings and spectacular signs and wonders. Whilst I sense these words are valid and right, something absolutely vital has largely been ignored: We are at the edge of (or already in?) the biggest spiritual battle of this age, and many have been ignorant of it, or worse: Have wanted to ignore it.

Since covid-19 was let loose on planet earth, followed by all the many national restrictions and measures set in place, many of the people of God have been focused on one thing alone: To go back to 'normal' as fast as possible, at whatever cost, and to get prepared for a wonderful harvest to come.

Yes, we are going to have a mighty harvest, God has promised this in His Word (Matthew 13:39) and through many prophetic voices over the past decades as well as in recent years. But many have refused to accept the reality that a fierce spiritual battle will be preceding or even accompanying it. Many people, even many in the body of Christ, have largely assumed that covid-19 was the enemy, and that we should partner with those in government to fight this enemy with all the human weapons known and available so we can go back to normal and then get busy bringing the harvest in.

However, the much feared virus has just been a vehicle, one could say: a trojan horse, to usher in a whole other enemy threat: One which seeks to deceive, subdue, manipulate, control, and - if need be - destroy all those who won't volunteer to be controlled by all its clever devices and methods. There have been growing voices warning of the true war at hand, but they have been met with much ridicule, anger and frustration: "Go away, your warning is misplaced, we are getting on top of the virus and now we are preparing for the harvest."

A word to those who have been warning watchmen: Take heart. Do not be afraid. Do not give in to frustration! You have received an assignment from heaven, and those who are now angry with you for the warnings you have voiced will one day, sooner or (much) later realise that the warning never came from a place of ill will or wrong assumptions but from a true place or urgency and compassion, stemming from true revelation and insight revealed by the Spirit of God in order to save many lives from the clever deceptions and traps of the enemy, set up to limit or even ruin the harvest. Your faithfulness will be worth it! Jesus is worth it! Keep warning, and get ready to fight! (2 Corinthians 10:4)

And a word to those precious Believers who have been looking to return to 'normal' and get set for the wonderful harvest to come: Yes, there will be a harvest. However, it will take place on fields previously soaked with blood, sweat, tears and gun powder, with furrows sacrificially drawn by the boots of those who have volunteered in the day of battle (Psalm 110:3) in obedience to the summoning of the King of kings. There will be no known 'normal' to go back to. Everything is about to change even more than it already has! If you still cannot see the real enemy and do not feel called to join the army, at least step aside and let those who have been called and volunteered, step up to fight the good fight! They are not against you, they are FOR you and the Lord, fighting so you can live and in order for the harvest to be as plentiful as promised.

"This final harvest will be fertilised with the blood of battle and the sweat and tears of faithful warriors of truth, the true Sons and Daughters of God."