Friday, November 06, 2009

The essence of life

What is the essence of life, the very substance of our existence?

It must be more than mere matter, more than wood, stone and glass. It must be more than light or darkness, gravity or air, blood or skin. Deeper, higher, richer in content than everything touchable, and yet untouchable for our hands.

The things that matter most to us, are shapeless - love, pain, joy, passion, compassion - and yet they shape our souls, express themselves without a clearly defined image, still so undeniably.

Putting God - the Creator and the very essence of life indeed - into a shape, box or frame - is absurd and reflects our human foolishness, puts it on shameless display.

God is beyond - and yet so close. Higher, greater, stronger, holier, more loving, more compassionate, more of everything... and yet His breath flows through us, inside of us... beyond oxygen and carbon dioxide... our spirit already knows this.

It was made to love Him.

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